Simple Embrace of Truth

"Quick!! Hide from Dad!" Her eyes were sparkling with the joys of a grand idea.

"No, he's bringing me pants." His voice was flat.

"Come on, lets pretend he's a monster!"  She giggled as she danced around the room looking for the perfect hiding spot.

"But he's not a monster." He declared. "And he's bringing me pants."

I couldn't help but smile at his seriousness.  At almost-three-years-old he has worked out when to put foolishness aside.  He is fast becoming a man.

I'm inspired by his simple embrace of truth when all forces were against it.  Well, all the forces of a five-year-old with an incredible imagination and gift for creating fun.  I'm inspired by his ability to stay focused:  he needed pants and his daddy was getting them for him.

It had been a simple sweet request: "Daddy, I need new pants."

The current ones had been decorated with breakfast milk and cereal.  But he knew how to get what he needed.  Daddy could be asked.  Daddy could be trusted.  Daddy would go upstairs, get fresh pants and deliver them.

Why would he get distracted by a game?  Why would he hide from the source of his fresh pants?  Why would he pretend there was a monster?  These games would only delay the pants.  They would only create a barrier between him and his Daddy.

You could see it so clearly in his face: He was unimpressed and unmoved.

Oh my beautiful son.  I want that kind of resolve in my relationship with my Father, Yahweh.  I want to be quick to ask for help.  I want to be absolute in trusting my Source.  I want to stand undoubtedly knowing He is willing and able to meet my needs.  I want to stay focused as I wait on Him.  I want to identify lies, distractions, barriers that affect my relationship with Him.  I want to be ready and expecting my Father's response.  I want to be unimpressed and unmoved by any other idea.

And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.   (Philippians 4:19 ESV)

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The very first Merciful Days eBook is coming!

Want to be part of the pre-reading team?  I will be compiling and shaping the book based on reader decisions and feedback.   I’m looking for readers to read and respond to the project pre-publishing. I’d love your input!! To get more info about being part of the pre-reading team give me your details HERE.


More Than I Can Handle


Even Me