Even Me

I’ve never been more nervous.

His voice came through my headset and told me to lean closer to the microphone. “Lean close, speak clearly, and keep talking.” The radio DJ coached me. “There can’t be long pauses on radio so make sure you keep on talking.”

This was not going to go well.

I was a spunky but uncertain 17-year-old on an aid trip in the Philippines.  We were visiting a Christian radio station and each of our team members had taken a turn at the microphone.  Now it was my turn.  My heart was racing.  My mind was empty.  And I wanted to leave.

“I’m not sure I have anything to say at all.” I was hoping for a reprieve.

“There is a teenager listening tonight who has no hope for living. God is going to use your story to change theirs.” He looked at me intently to make sure I’d heard.

I had.

And it changed me.

On that hot tropical night in a little radio booth in Manila, I saw that God could use me. That He wanted to use me.  That I had worth and value.  That He could use me as I am.  My story as it is.  What I've walked through.  Nerves and all.  God could use even me.

Oh how good it is.  Yahweh weaves beautiful, wonderful, awe-inspiring Life out of our every day stories.

And through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. (2 Corinthians 2:14b CEB)

God did powerful things through Paul, things quite out of the ordinary. (Acts 19:11 MSG)

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Well friends, you've just read the first draft of the introduction for "30 Merciful Days" eBook!

Thanks so much for your messages and voting.  This grand experiment book topic is, because of your feedback, a 30 day devotional collection.

The book will be made up of the top-viewed posts, reader favorites, my favorites, and some new stories. Would you be part of my team?  I will be compiling and shaping the book based on reader decisions and feedback.   I'm looking for readers to read and respond to the project pre-publishing. I'd love your input!! To get more info about being part of the pre-reading team give me your details HERE.


Simple Embrace of Truth


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