✨ 50 years: My Top 5 Words of Wisdom ✨
I am officially in my “wise sage era” (or at least trying to be), and here, my Loves, are my top five words of wisdom about this beautiful, messy, wonderful earth life. 💛
I am officially in my “wise sage era” (or at least trying to be), and here, my Loves, are my top five words of wisdom about this beautiful, messy, wonderful earth life. 💛
✨ 1. Being you matters.
You are God’s literal dream come true, chosen to be alive in this moment for a purpose. Taking up space, using your authentic voice and gifts, and loving your people deeply is of huge importance. Your life, presence, and unique giftings are part of a healing plan for the world…
When Thanksgiving is sad
Thanksgiving is a gorgeous holiday. I love that we have a day dedicated to feasting, celebrating, and belonging with the people we love! Togetherness, warmth, gratitude, and pumpkin pie. I love it.
Yet, Thanksgiving also magnifies what’s missing. It can be filled with sadness and longing. The empty chair at the table—a reminder of lost loved ones, broken relationships, or missed connections—can weigh heavily on our hearts. Whether you’ve lost a dear one, are living far from family, or have chosen boundaries that keep you from old traditions, this time of year can amplify feelings of emptiness.
What do we do when Thanksgiving has empty chairs? An empty table? An empty home? An aching heart?
What to do about Halloween
"It's October!" My kiddo squealed. "I'm so excited about Halloween!" And here we go again... Halloween. Nothing holds greater power to make good friends bitter enemies than Halloween.
Tired Eyes And Embracing God's Ways
I've had glasses since I was 15 but I've not really worn them. They never seemed right. Some days they seemed ok. But on most days, I could see better without them. And life went on.
How Should Christians Vote?
Hello hot topic: Politics in America. Hot. Topic. Is your FB feed full of political posts, jokes, memes, rants? Mine sure is. They make me laugh, cry, and feel crazy.
When You Pray But Nothing Changes
“We have all prayed and prayed for healing. That should be enough…” I couldn’t help but cry.
My Shepherd is Jehovah Rapha, the Lord our Healer (Ex 15). But, as of today, He has not yet healed me.