✨ 50 years: My Top 5 Words of Wisdom ✨

Thanks to my lovely daughter’s observation of how beautifully Spanish describes age, I am proud to say I now have 50 years (Yo tengo 50 años… instead of I am 50 years old) and I’m stepping into this milestone with a sense of gratitude for the life I’ve lived and the lessons I’ve gathered. I am officially in my “wise sage era” (or at least trying to be), and here, my Loves, are my top five words of wisdom about this beautiful, messy, wonderful earth life. 💛

1. Being you matters.
You are God’s literal dream come true, chosen to be alive in this moment for a purpose. Taking up space, using your authentic voice and gifts, and loving your people deeply is of huge importance. Your life, presence, and unique giftings are part of a healing plan for the world.

🌱2. You are responsible for your own development.
You’ve been given unique gifts, personality, and presence. It’s your job to develop them. Don’t wait for someone else to come along and choose you or invest in you. Invest in yourself. Take the class. Read the book. Find the coach. You are worth the investment.

🌸 3. Flourishing requires letting go of what no longer serves you.
Growth always involves pruning—releasing habits, beliefs, or even relationships that no longer align with who you’re becoming. Flourishing isn’t about doing more; it’s about nurturing what matters most in this season.

🌟 4. A healthy sense of self includes knowing your shadow side.
Understanding who you are isn’t just about celebrating your strengths—it’s also about recognizing the parts of yourself that need growth and healing. Your shadow side—the tendencies, fears, or patterns you might avoid looking at—holds keys to deeper wholeness. A healthy sense of self acknowledges both your light and your shadows, and the work of identifying and addressing our shadow side is what brings healing life to our relationships and community.

💡 5. How someone treats you is an indication of their struggles, not your worth.
One of the hardest but most freeing lessons I’ve learned is that people’s behavior is always a reflection of what’s happening inside them, not a measure of your value. Everyone has bad days and moments when they fall short, and yes, everyone can treat others poorly. But healthy people—those who are self-aware and emotionally intelligent—take responsibility for their shadow side actions and work toward growth. Kindness and respect for others stem from a place of inner health. Put your back to people who consistently behave in unhealthy ways.

Taking some time to reflect and make a Top 5 words of wisdom was cathartic and energizing. My fifty years have been a journey that has grown me, stretched me, broken me, healed me, and shaped me. I’m grateful for every one of those years—I have 50 of them!—and I can’t wait to see what the years ahead bring.

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What wisdom has shaped your journey? I’d love to hear what life has taught you. What are your Top 5 words of wisdom? 💛


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