

Merciful Days SquareAfter a year of sharing my faith journey on my blog, ColoursOfColor, I wanted to share more.I love to share life. I love to share journeys.  I love to share resources, ideas, short-cuts.  Anything that can help us thrive in our journeys as women, sisters, daughters, wives, mothers, learners, mentors.Here's the thing: I am not a "natural" in the home. I am at home with our two little ones because we prayed and felt that's what we should do.  It's not because my husband earns enough.  It's not because I feel women should.  It's not because it's my life dream.  None of those are true for me.  It's simply because, as we prayed, I felt a deep-hearted compulsion for it.  I feel God has drawn me to journey with Him in this place for this season.  And with the Holy Spirit as my teacher, I am learning how to do it day-by-day.  Moment-by-moment.I am not a "natural" in the kitchen.I cook by sense.  Smell, taste, sight.  I have a short attention span for following recipes.  Once I ended up baking cookies without flour.  I wouldn't have done that if I'd been thinking my own thoughts instead of trying to follow a recipe.  And so I stopped using recipes.  A year ago I was diagnosed with an illness that requires a special diet: Gluten-Free, Cow-Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, Sugars-Free, Can-Free.  Suddenly I had to start looking at recipes again.  I've had to relearn all the basics of cooking.  And learn about nutrition.  To provide nourishment for my family and for my healing body.I'm not a "natural" in relationships.I have a deep yearning to share life and be in community but I am no good at it.  I don't think any of us are.  Sharing our hearts and our days is tricky. Letting ourselves be fully seen and known is so risky.  So is knowing others and choosing to love them despite everything.  But there is no real life without community.  There is nothing more beautiful than the depth of life that comes from being intertwined with others.  So I keep trying.  And learn daily lessons about love, forgiveness, and mercy.And so I want to share my journey of womanhood, wifehood, motherhood.  Of faith, and practicalities.  Of home, and kitchen, and relationships.  One day at a time.  Not getting discouraged by failings.  Not getting inflated by successes.  Starting fresh each day.  Washed by His new mercies every morning.

Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each day. (Lam 3:23 NLT)


Abundant Expectation


Scraping the Sky