My Beautiful Flock

Jer13v20This has consumed me:

Where is the flock that was given to you [to shepherd], your beautiful flock? (Jeremiah 13:20b Amp)

As I read Jeremiah 13 today, these words reached out from the page and grabbed me.Where is the flock that has been given to me to shepherd, my beautiful flock?Personally, I know Yahweh has asked me, called me to be a shepherd.  For nine years I did so as a "professional" pastor on staff at our church but for the past four years I have not been in a formal, official pastoral position.  I have not, however, stopped serving those God has given to me to care for.  It just looks different.  It looks... less structured. Less frequent. Less purposed.Oh.Where is the flock that has been given to me to shepherd, my beautiful flock?Today I'm praying.  Who I am supposed to be caring for today?  The flock of this season.  Not necessarily those I cared for in the past.  I'm asking the Holy Spirit to tell me who He has given to me today, for this season.Without a doubt my children and husband are at the top of that list.  And I could easily assume four other specific people are also on that list.  They've been on my list for many years.  God spoke to me about caring for them.  But, beyond my immediate family, I'm not going to assume anything.  For, honestly this is more about my relationship with the Holy Spirit than the completion of a task.  So the one thing I can confidently assume is the Holy Spirit will have something new for He and I to talk about.  And that is beautiful.  For I am a sheep in His flock.So, with prayer journal in hand, I'm about to talk with God about my flock.  My beautiful flock.  I have a huge sense of anticipation.  Who is He calling me to care for now?When I know who He has called me to care for, I can give my energies with joy.  And I can let go of others, with joy. It is so exciting that God invites me to be part of His Kingdom and He gives me important work to do._ _ _I submit for your consideration:  If we all cared for the flock God asks us to care for, would the entire Body of Christ be well cared for?  What would we all look like, if we were sheep well-cared for?  What would it do for the health of The Church?  What would it do for the health of all our work-lives, families, marriages?Is it grabbing your heart too?!  This feels so massively important and beautiful.Where is the flock that was given to you [to shepherd], your beautiful flock? (Jeremiah 13:20b Amp)Where is the flock that has been give to you?


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