Loving The Rain

Rain, rain go away.

Today's rain feels like an old friend who has been gone too long but now that he's back I'm wondering why we are friends.

This winter has been unusually dry. The sunshine has been glorious.  Rays in the morning fog buoying my heart. Open blue skies making me forget my cares.  Clear nights of moonlight and stars stirring my philosophical musings.  Dry coats.  Dry shoes.  Dry floors.  Glorious.

We usually have low thick clouds that block out the sun and block out joy.  We usually have constant drizzle that keeps everything damp.  We usually have wet coats, wet shoes and wet floors.  Seattle is known for this.I'd like to say we like the rain except when we have a dry sunny winter day the whole city smiles.

And when the rain comes again, the smiles fade.

I was surprised by my response last night.  When the rain started drumming on our roof, I felt peace.The cloudless winter has been wonderful.  The sunshine has been so good for my soul.  But, things have been feeling... dry.

This land needs rain.  Our grass, and trees, and creatures thrive in it.  And although the sunshine feels so good, this place cannot survive without rain.

My soul is the same.

I love seasons of clear skies and warmth.  I love times of energy and celebration and happiness.  I love the fruit bearing and harvest times.  But my soul gets dry.  My heart thirsts.  My spirit needs still waters and green pastures.  I need to be drenched by His Living Water.  I need seasons of pause where I soak in His restoration and nourishment.  In order to thrive in all the seasons, I need winter rain.

Reminded today of how good His seasons are.  Of how I can trust His ways.  Of how I need to embrace and enjoy the seasons of life He leads me through.  Reminded today to love rain.  To enjoy my soul winters.  To be still and soak and be satisfied.He is giving me what I need.  Today and every day.

“I ponder all your great works.
I think about what you have done.
I reach out for you.
I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain. 
(Psalm 143:5b-6 NLT)

"Be glad, people of Zion, rejoice at what the Lord your God has done for you. He has given you the right amount of autumn rain;  he has poured down the winter rain for you and the spring rain as before.” (Joel 2:23 GNT)


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