Life-giving Words

Today a special woman spoke encouragement and care into my heart.Her words spoke something I needed to hear:  I am valued.It was simple but it was transforming.She paused in her busy day.  She saw me and considered me.  She chose to find something good in me to call out and build up.She didn't know how desperately I needed it.Her words of life gave me wings today.Made me realize, once again, how much I miss the love and encouragement of my parents.  How I miss them!We all need people who believe in us.  Today this wonderful woman was my family in a land where I so often feel alone and lonely.Thank you Jenny.  Thank you for speaking with God's heart and reminding me of my worth.I need to remember to pause and speak words of Life to those around me too.

So encourage each other and build each other up.  (1 Thess 5:11 NLT)


Thank You My Loves


Bathtime: What's the point?