Grace Given

A friend talked to me today to repair a hole in our relationship that I had unwittingly caused.In that conversation I saw her extend a level of grace that is rare.  I can't stop thinking about it. She chose to give grace despite being in pain.

Above all things have intense and unfailing love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins [forgives and disregards the offenses of others]. (1 Peter 4:8 Amp)

She chose to disregard the offense.  She chose to forgive.  She chose to cover my error.  She chose to make up for my shortfall.Beautiful.  I am totally in awe.I've known her for a long time.  I knew her when she was a girl.  I've had the privilege of watching her grow up.  I was her pastor and leader.For years I extended grace to her because, after all, she was just a child.  I find grace is easy to give to someone who is "lesser" than you.  Grace with reason.But no longer am I an adult and she a child.  We are both women.  We are peers. We are equal in the Body.  Unique and different but equal.Today she extended grace to me that I have never extended to her.  Grace without reason.Powerful.  Beautiful.  Transformative.I love the redemption power God gives us through the Holy Spirit.  Thank you beautiful friend.  I so value your wisdom, love and sisterhood.


The Gift Of An Open Life


Defiantly Not Acquiescent