Celebrating Easter

I love Christmas. I love the sights, the smells, the songs, the celebrations. My memories tend to be activated by sensory reminders, so Christmas each year brings to mind the years gone by. I love the symbolism and traditions. And it's the one holiday that both Australia and America celebrate. In a lot of ways, Christmas ties my two lives together.This is Easter week. My hubby and I have decided we want to celebrate it with equal, if not more, importance as Christmas.Also, we have some core values that we are always trying to intentionally weave into our lives. These values are:- Finding ways to remember to walk with God in daily life- Choosing to build and be in a community that gives support and accountability.- Being active parts of the Body of Christ and our local Church.- Living transparently and modeling healthy life for our kids.I've had so much fun researching, designing, planning, and dreaming!In Aus, I loved the Good Friday sunrise service on the beach and fresh hot cross buns. In the US, my hubby loved his family egg hunt at home and getting an Easter basket full of goodies. As a married couple we have discovered the value of community and have started monthly potluck dinners with friends. And, from our years in youth ministry, we love creating multi-sensory experiences and making time for Faith discussions.So far the plans are:On Good Friday we are having a bunch of dear friends over for potluck dinner and homemade Aussie-style hot cross buns followed by a reflection and discussion time for all ages. We'll read a kids' Easter story book, look at a crown of thorns & large nails, and have a sharing time about the ways Jesus' death has touched us personally. The kids will then play together while the teens and adults watch "The Passion of the Christ" movie. We'll end the night with a prayer and communion time.On Saturday my hubby is part of the set-up team for our church Easter service. While he's gone, the kids and I will be decorating our living / dining area and we will go to an egg hunt at our local mall. In the afternoon we'll cook as a family and finish decorating for Sunday.Sunday morning we will have one family Easter basket to symbolize that we love to celebrate together as a family. We'll spend the morning at church and be part of the tear-down team. Sunday afternoon we will have an early dinner with friends. It will be special spring foods and elements from the Jewish Passover / Seder meal. It will end with an egg hunt in our home.We're still dreaming and planning. I'm so excited to try a bunch of things and then choose the things we want to establish as family traditions.How do you celebrate Easter? Which traditions are most meaningful for you? What could you add this year to establish a new intentional tradition?



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