Want to learn about the state of the beauty industry and how to choose safer products? What we put on our skin matters. And the products our kids and loved ones use matter. There are many personal care and beauty products in the USA, Canada, and other nations that are not safe. But we don't have to be in the dark about it! I have great info to give you that will equip you to find safer products for yourself and your family.
For years I’ve bought products I thought were safe but weren’t. My health has been impacted by heavy metals and hormone disruptors in products. My doctor urged me to research the products I was using and I was shocked to find what was in them. The great news is, once I knew the truth, I was able to look for safer products and make the switch. In the years that have followed, I have switched to safer options for personal care, beauty, kids, cleaning, cooking, and household items.
The video below gives really important info about the laws and regulations for the Beauty and Personal Care industry in the USA, and shares the mission of Beautycounter. Beautycounter will never use an ingredient related to human health risks, whether it be cancer, hormone disruptors, infertility, allergies, autoimmune etc. Our stringent screening process is unlike any other in the beauty industry. Beautycounter evaluates every ingredient that goes into our products, asking three questions: Is it safe? Does it work? Do we need it? The Never List is a great resource to carry with you when shopping for products. Click HERE for a full list. Avoid these ingredients for safer products!
LABEL WORDING: What do the words “natural,” “organic,” “green” and “safe” mean when it comes to cosmetics? Legally? Nothing. Due to major loopholes in federal law, cosmetics can be labeled “natural,” “sustainable,” and nearly any other word that comes to mind without containing ingredients that accurately meet those descriptions. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to sort through companies’ claims regarding the “greenness” of their products.
NATURAL: Do you find yourself looking for “natural” products and ingredients? The problem is, natural ingredients aren’t necessarily safe. For example, Poison Ivy is natural but we don’t want to put it on our skin! We’ve been “educated” to desire natural products but they may not be the best choice.
DISCLOSING INGREDIENTS: Product labels may not include a complete list of the ingredients.
For example:
- “Fragrance” is considered a trade secret, so companies don’t have to disclose what it is. Usually, it is a synthetic concoction that includes phthalates and synthetic musks, which are hormone disruptors, as well as chemicals that are allergens and neurotoxins.
- Some chemicals are not intentionally added to products but are the result of chemical reactions happening inside the bottle of product.
- Some bulk ingredients have a preservative pre-added and that preservative isn’t included in a product ingredient list.
If you want to know more about “Greenwashing” click HERE.
“Chemicals linked to cancer have no place in anyone’s beauty routine, yet cancer-causing chemicals are present in many different types and brands of cosmetics and personal care products found on store shelves across the US." -
Shocking truth: Many “Pink Ribbon” products that are being marketed to raise funds for Breast Cancer research actually contain cancer-causing ingredients. For more information about cancer-causing ingredients click HERE. gives some examples of the harmful ingredients in our everyday products:
Phthalates are a group of endocrine-disrupting chemicals that are found in cosmetics like nail polish and in synthetic fragrance—both perfumes and fragrance ingredients in other cosmetic products. Phthalate exposure has been linked to early puberty in girls, a risk factor for later-life breast cancer. Some phthalates also act as weak estrogens in cell culture systems.
Parabens are a group of compounds widely used as an antifungal agent, preservative and antimicrobial in creams, lotions, ointments and other cosmetics, including underarm deodorants. They are absorbed through the skin and have been identified in biopsy samples from breast tumors.
Many sunscreens and SPF moisturizers and foundations contain chemicals that exert significant estrogenic activity, as measured by the increase in proliferation rates of human breast cancer cells in vitro. Studies show these chemicals are accumulating in wildlife and humans. For more information about cancer-causing ingredients, check out this great article on the EWG blog: "For Safe, Nontoxic Personal Care Products, Look Beyond the Pink Ribbon"
With the lack of regulations and laws about products and labeling, how can we find safer products?!I have a great resource for you! The Environmental Working Group (EWG) database. This non-profit industry watch-dog has created a database that rates products for safety. You can enter a product name or ingredient and see a rating as well as information about the contents and concerns. They have a full website and an app that enables you to scan barcodes of products. (Note: The app database is not as extensive as the website.) The website database is great to type in specific ingredients if a product isn’t in their database.
Start today! Grab your products and scan them! I loved learning which products are safer and which products to throw away. I immediately threw out the products with lead and other heavy metals. We don't have to go another day putting harmful ingredients on ourselves or loved ones!
SKINCARE: Before I found Beautycounter, my skin was in bad shape. My combination skin had become extremely dry and flakey but also horribly red and breakout-prone. Within a month of using these Beautycounter products, my skin had transformed. The dry patches are restored and my breakouts have reduced dramatically. I am smitten!
MAKE-UP: I was shocked to find that I had been applying lead to my face every day: In my foundation, bronzer, lipsticks. Now, I’m loving the safety and effectiveness of Beautycounter Make-Up.
BODY CARE: Safer products for the whole family including Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash, Body Scrub, Body Lotion, and Hand Care.
MEN’S PRODUCTS: Our new Men’s Collection is easy to use and smells great. My man loves the charcoal body bar, exfoliating cleanser, and face lotion. He says he didn’t realize his face didn’t have to feel tight and dry all the time. He is a huge fan and he is happy to know his products are good for him.
SAFER SPF: My kids get hives from sunscreen and I have sensitive eyes so I’m constantly searching for safer sunscreen for us. The Beautycounter sunscreen hasn’t caused any skin irritations for us! And it smells amazing. I’m so happy! Please check your sunscreen products on the EWG database. Many sunscreens use chemical sun blockers like oxybenzone, which soaks through the skin, triggers allergic skin reactions, and may be a hormone disruptor. Beautycounter Sun Protection products uses non-nano zinc oxide, which is a safer, effective, natural mineral sunblocker.
Friends, don't feel overwhelmed by all this! Take it one product at a time and make a plan.
How I'm switching to safer: As budget allows, I'm replacing one product at a time. I worked out the worst offenders with the EWG app and then made a wish list. Then just one at a time, I'm getting safer products.
(Also: Becoming a Consultant has helped me with commissions and rewards. One of my main goals is to pay for the products I need. Ask me about the benefits of joining our team!)
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Thanks for being here! I hope you feel empowered and equipped for finding safer products for you and your loved ones. If you have any questions please let me know.